The Foundation was established in 1995 and works completely voluntary on a Christian ecumenical basis with aid in different countries. Collected funds are invested (with only 2% deduction for adminis-trative costs) in practical aid projects.

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Projects of the Foundation in Japan

In Japan we support a home for children and old people in the city of Sendai, severely struck by the earthquake and tsunami on March 11, 2011. Money for this project is collected at the annual memorial and music service which the SB Foundation has had together with the Japanese association since 2012. The concert is highly appreciated with professional musicians playing big drums, different kinds of flutes and a Japanese string instrument. Usually the Japanese ambassador is there; the church is filled with people.

Thanks to the collection at the concert in 2015 the SB Foundation sent JPY (Japanese Yen) 165 000, which equals to SEK (Swedish crowns) 12 000, as the gift of this year to the home in Sendai.

The Japanese association also arranges a market and runs a café etc. The money from there is sent by the Japanese association to a school project in Japan.


In cooperation with EÖM (The Evangelical East Asian Mission) the Foundation has contributed among other things to the building of a children’s home and an elderly people’s home. For the time being the Foundation has no ongoing project in China.

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Adress: Stiftelsen Brödet, Att. L. Åkerlund, Grev Turegatan 64, 1202, 114 38 Stockholm, Tel: 0702545233